
Netvibes: a true entrepreneur school !

It was a few months that this Netviber Experience blog was sleeping, when, just a few days ago, was launched the new start-up of Tariq Krim, the Founder and former CEO of Netvibes : Jolicloud.com, the EasySimple cloud-based netbook Os.

As I am very interested in the subject, I checked for Tariq Krim's new Team and I was not surprised to see working with him 2 former interns at Netvibes, the best Personalized Startpage.

That gave me the idea to check "What the other Netvibes team members have become ?"

And after a few searches and emails here is the result:

First, the team running Netvibes after his departure, is still the one he hired : Freddy Mini (CEO) , Annabelle Malherbe (CFO), Franck Mahon (VP Product) Florent Solt (CTO) , Maurice Sway (Lead Designer) , Stefan Lecher and Chris Damson (Business development).
Second, what strikes me the most is that Tariq Krim is not only one of the best Web talent-scout but also that his presence, his visions and charisma have produced what I would call an "European start-up syndrome" similar at what you can see in the Silicon Valley.
Just check the list of Former Netvibes' team members or interns, that have spread out of Netvibes and you will agree with me !

This list is in no particular order and if somebody knows more, please let me know ;-)

"Génération Netvibes" :
the entrepreneurs vibes,

- Romain Huet,
Co-Founder of JoliCloud with Tariq Krim
Lead Developer

- Hubert Michaux,
Co-founder & CEO at HelloCoton

Victor Cerutti,
Co-founders & CTO at HelloCoton

- François Hodierne,
Founder at h6e and ladistribution
Founder at Blogmarks.net

- Marc Thouvenin,
Founder and CEO of Regioneo

- Alexander Kirk,
Founder of Factolex (Austria)

- Gang Lu,
Co-Founder of OpenWeb Asia

- Colin Romain,
Founder and CEO of Fubiz

- Florent Gibeaud,
Co-Founder of Investside and Keo Networks

- Christophe Dufour,
Co-Founder and CEO of Investside
Co-Founder and CEO of Keo Networks

- Aurélien Faches,
Co-Founder of Aaaliens

- Michael Cohen,
Founder and CEO of a new company (if anyone has the name let me know)

- Jean Francois Groff,
CTO at Fairtilizer and founder at Vizta

- Nicolas Dangler, mixin.Com
Co-Founder of Mixin.com

I also tracked the others who left:

- Antoine Marguerie,
Lead Designer at Fairtilizer

- Laure Chouillou ,
Communication Manager at Forum Netexplorateur

- François Bureau,
Support & QA Manager at Citiesxl

- Tristan Groléat,
Intern at Jolicloud

So, 13 14 people left Netvibes to create their own company and become an entrepreneur, 4 are in the internet start-up business and, as far as I know, the rest of the team is still in place,

Preparing this list, I also thought at all of those who were influenced by Tariq Krim' Netvibes approach and, yes, I admit it, I was among them !

First, I just launched a new blog about ... Jolicloud , called : JoliCloud Experience !

But that is not all, I am also preparing to launch a new Web Venture with my partner Kim : 1PRISM.com

So, Thanks Tariq ! And, Who is Next ? ;-)


... and Netviber Experience' (NetEx) blog will stop here !

Hi to all my readers,

When I started this Netviber Experience' blog in December 2006, Netvibes was a young 1 year old start-up.

Now Netvibes has turned 3 and is a "mature company" ;-).

I think that this blog has completed its mission and I have decided that this will be my last post here !

Don't be sad, I will continue to participate with my own posts in Netvibes itself.

Just follow me from my Universe: http://www.netvibes.com/netviberexperience .
(click on my profile and add me to your friends. It will be a pleasure for me :-)

Then I will also continue to post on twitter, friendfeed, facebook, ...

So thank you to all and...

Arrivederci !

Happy Brithday, Netvibes !!! 3 Years !!!

Time flies !!

Jouyeux Anniversaire !!!

Buon Conpleanno !!!

Happy Birthday !!!


Netvibes never closes, but this NetEx Blog does...

... so I will take 2 weeks off. No, do not cry ! I will be back :-)

And do you want to know what are the books I'll take with me ? Well, just check the cover here. It was spotted my 5 years old daughter among millions of books.

And It is just what I was looking for: another vision on our everchanging life

Microtrends: Surprising Tales of the Way We Live Today
by Mark J. Penn, E. Kinney Zalesne

It has good reviews and looks as good bet for a summer reading with kids around. I'll let you know...

And I will bring also The Best Seller "Millenium" novel series by STIEG LARSSON.

All I read about it is this : "An epic tale of serial murder and corporate trickery spanning several continents, the novel takes in complicated international financial fraud and the buried evil past of a wealthy Swedish industrial family."

Please to not tell me how it ends :) but feel free to leave me your own reading suggestions !


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