I am trying to start an Home Pages comparison.
In the mean time check this one on WebWorkerDaily. It refers to Ajax Start Pages:
1) Google’s Personalized Home Page
2) Netvibes
3) Pageflakes
4) Protopage
5) Yourminis
For each there are pro e con but the general conclusion is not yet a positive one :
"That "All those home pages" have a ways to go before they provide the informational richness and immediate action that this web worker needs. "
Home pages comparison_Part 1

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Libellés : Ajax, comparison, Google Home Page, home pages, Netvibes, Pageflakes, personalized home pages, Protopage, start pages, Yourminis
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Those proto/start pages are brilliant! They could be really great! If only users are willing to pay a small fee to use them. But in this free loading world that will never happen, so we have to depend on the magnanimity of hard working creative entrepreneurial techies to give us a glimpse of what is achievable. And hope some cash rich Google will buy their genius oneday!
why do you prefer protopage ? What is the advantage ?
Hi Charles, Protopage was first to launch and is similar to NetVibes or Pageflakes in terms of functionality, and focuses on simple widgets, rather than complex desktop applications. Its user interface is on the fun side, and sports tabs, which are much more effective at managing multiple pages than simple links.
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