
Marshall Kirkpatrick of Read/WriteWeb uses Netvibes as startpage. And you ?

In his recent post about Five Tools Everyone Working Online Should Have (IMHO), Marshall Kirkpatrick , influential Lead Author at Read/WriteWeb writes:


Every place I work I set up an RSS startpage for myself and my co-workers. Consulting clients, non-profits, anybody I can get my hands on gets a startpage before I'm done with them. I usually use Netvibes just because it's easy to share pages, the OPML handling is pretty good and the mobile version is great. The new Ginger version breaks sharing for some people, though.

I put the highest priority RSS feeds that I subscribe to on that startpage, then put a link to it on my browser toolbar. I click on that maybe once an hour and see if these top sources have anything new. It's quick and easy, much easier than opening up a whole feed reader."

You can see in the image a capture of his Netvibes page.

And you, what are you using and why ?

If you want to add the ReadWriteWeb widget on your Netvibes page, click here:
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