
Only ADD "relevant" CONTENT is more than 3 clicks away in Netvibes'Ginger


Now the ONLY THING that Netvibes does not allow me to do in less than 3 clicks is to ADD RELEVANT CONTENT for all my neds.

The matter is important as you know that all Wevsite owners try to apply the "three clicks rule" which states that" no important piece of information should ever be more than three clicks away from anywhere else on your Web site"

The "ADD CONENT" of Netvibes' Ginger is where I have the biggest difficulties to find in less than 3 cliks the "Relevant Feed, Widget or Content" I want.

That is an old problem with NETVIBES Search :( , and my solution in the great majority of cases is outside Netvibes... with Google Search.

* At the moment, with Ginger "Add Content" I do not have the Local Content selection of feeds that I had with Coriander. It that was not perfect but was a start...

Netvibes should solve this by:

1) insert a new button LOCAL CONTENT in the Add Content and:

  • offer an option to choose the Location you are looking for (and not only the one where you said you were living at the Registration)
  • integrate all the Feeds, widgets, tabs and Universes that are "relevant" to the location. This can only achieved with a much better Netvibes search

2) replace the Add Feed button with a SEARCH FEED one in the Add Content:
this new button will search Feeds (rss, atom, xml, rdf) in the Netvibes Database (much larger than the one proposed now) and also in the Web. This will keep user in the page.

3) completly rethink the BROWSE CATEGORIES.
If i select the Sport Category (with these user settings Local content: UK land anguage: English here is the result:

As you can see no "relevant" result for any Uk sport lover because no Relevant National Feed is there with news about the Premier League Football, Rugby, Tennis, Golf ... Oh, yes, I could check the 424 feeds, 18 at the timeshoping to find the right content. It would take me 24 cliks and assuming 1 second to read each feed title It would take me 7 minutes to find what I want, IF IT IS THERE ... No good value for my time :(

But if you go on a Google.co.uk widget and you ask for: url +sport +rss you will have: BBC, SKY Sport, Yahoo! Sport feeds in 1-2-3 position !! in ... 3 seconds. Convincing ;)

But as Netvibes is opening up for a "non-geek" audience those aspects are a key to success or failure. My sister, my colleague, my friend John (who know nothing about feeds, widgets, rss, html, blog...) need to find everything fast and easy at less than 3 clicks away to use at full capabilities Netvibes.

At the moment, the SEARCH for CONTENT gives the wrong impression that it is used to promote chosen content (by Netvibes) at the expenses of Better content for the user.

But the "relevant" Content is the key for success. If it was true for Google it will be true for Netvibes.

Rember Back in 2000 when Google was fighting against Altavista (who ?) and Yahoo Google' boss and founder Sergey Brin declared " When somebody searches for 'cancer' , should you put up the site that paid you (as Altavista and Yahoo) or the site that has better information (Google)? Brin is betting better information will win the day. " And Brin was right, no ?

(My previous posts were: things I can do in Netvibes with 0 (no) clicks , with just 1 click , in 2 clicks and in 3 clicks)

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